

an unrestricted Sandbox, Cheating, and Testing Server where the possibilities are endless in-game. From embracing the serene realms of Relax Cheats to venturing into uncharted territories
1,358 Registered 1 Online 17 Clans
217,824 Plays 162,777 Beatmaps

Trending Beatmaps

Beatmap Image
Mutsuhiko Izumi - Snow Goose (Riana) [Sytho's Extra]
by Mutsuhiko Izumi - mapped by Riana
6.00 1,594 256 2024-06-08 15:40:29 Ranked
Beatmap Image
THE ORAL CIGARETTES - Mou Ii kai (Nevo) [Rain]
by THE ORAL CIGARETTES - mapped by Nevo
6.00 1,049 329 2018-09-04 21:44:59 Ranked
Beatmap Image
Apollo - Brazil (moonpoint) [Atomic Scope]
by Apollo - mapped by moonpoint
8.00 603 272 2024-01-06 14:49:46 Ranked
Beatmap Image
Origami Angel - Bed Bath & Batman Beyond (buddon) [Barnes & Noble]
by Origami Angel - mapped by buddon
6.00 1,114 129 2024-01-29 03:22:47 Ranked

Recent fire scores

Addrenaline 2025-02-06 10:01:58
Helblinde - The Solace of Oblivion (ProfessionalBox) [Aspire]
Helblinde - The Solace of Oblivion (ProfessionalBox) [Aspire] + HD, HR, DT 13949199pp (93.83%)
Natighost 2025-02-07 04:23:28
Helblinde - The Solace of Oblivion (MinG3012) [Aspire]
Helblinde - The Solace of Oblivion (MinG3012) [Aspire] + HD, HR 167617pp (66.00%)
Addrenaline 2025-02-06 10:44:22
Frums - Flashbacklog (Acylica) [V]
Frums - Flashbacklog (Acylica) [V] + HD, HR, DT, FL 137994pp (62.58%) Grade
Kenshu 2025-02-07 18:43:39
Erehamonika remixed by kors k - Der Wald (Kors K Remix) (Rucker) [NiNo's Aspire]
Erehamonika remixed by kors k - Der Wald (Kors K Remix) (Rucker) [NiNo's Aspire] 103514pp (51.35%)
Addrenaline 2025-02-08 10:32:46
Erehamonika remixed by kors k - Der Wald (Kors K Remix) (Rucker) [Hey jia]
Erehamonika remixed by kors k - Der Wald (Kors K Remix) (Rucker) [Hey jia] + HD, HR, DT, FL 88954pp (94.42%) Grade
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2024-04-03 15:55:01

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